ATS TorreCat™ Technology
- Torrefaction 2.0
- Thermal Oxidizer Versus Oxidation Catalyst
- Torrefaction: Past, Present and Future
- COD Levels in Leachate and Self-Heating: How these issues are solved with the use of inert gas
- Producing Biocoal at a cost on par with industrial wood pellets and delivering it to the end user at a lower cost
- ATS TorreCat™ Technology Patent – United States
- ATS TorreCat™ Technology Patent – Canada
Featured Articles and Presentations
- Torrefaction of Bamboo – Idaho National Laboratory-ATS Collaboration
- It’s Time to Take Another Look at Torrefaction
- Why Hasn’t Torrefaction Taken Off?
- Government laboratory tests demonstrate ATS Catalytic Oxidation Technology – Idaho National Laboratory – ATS Collaboration
- HM3 Energy Presentation: High Quality Biocoal to replace Fossil Fuels